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     We stood next to each other.  His teeth were barred with rage. I had said something that angered him. He had a military background and knew how to fight. He was twice as big as me and well muscled. I trusted him even though he had a quick temper. I was shocked when he did the unthinkable; he went for my throat. To this day, I don't know whether he was just trying to dominate me through fear, or if in a moment of extreme anger he was trying to take me out. But he looked at my throat and jabbed at it. The odd thing was, each time he snaked his pointed hand at my windpipe, he couldn't reach it. It was like he was blocked at each jab. He was surprised; I was stunned. Then, he turned and left the room. 

Since then, I have learned about Jesus Christ and His protection. He is trustworthy.  I have accepted Him as my savior. It wasn't until I learned that Jesus is real and can intervene in situations, that I realized it was Jesus or one of His guardian angels that blocked my throat from harm.


God is Real

He watches over you


This website has been created to share modern stories of God's divine intervention in times of need. 

Angels on Assignment

Maria's Story

God Story

     We were blessed to see God work healing in several people last Sunday.  One woman had injured her arm and then had reinjured it. She left praising God with no pain!  A man asked for healing for pain in his lower back and hips and for his weak legs. After standing against the power assignment and speaking healing, his leg that was shorter grew out and he was freed of all pain!  His wife had a bone marrow disorder and has experienced pain and inflammation throughout her body. One of her legs was quite a bit shorter and grew out and she felt a warmth in her hands that wasn’t there before.


     What a privilege to speak a word of command of healing in Jesus’ name and to see God heal as evidenced by legs growing out, the skeletal system realigned and the pain going away!

Praising Him,

Debbie and Al K.

Al and I prayed for the wife of a retired pastor at a retreat. She was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis in 2009 and was having trouble breathing. After praying and commanding the fibrosis to stop growing and for her lungs to heal, she said immediately that she could breathe better.  She went to her doctor for her 6 month test and he said: “You’re 100%. It is better than last time.  As long as you are breathing OK and feeling good, there is no need to do anything. We’ll do more tests in 6 months”.  Last time she wrote she said that she is doing great!


Debbie & Al K.

"We were seeing things in our house."


     For a long time, I had been seeing the cat in the house out of the corner of my eye. Then, when I would look at the cat, the cat wouldn’t be there. I found out later that other family members had the same thing happen. We figured we were seeing a spirit or something. It seemed very demonic to us.

     Myself, my middle child and my youngest child were aware of something going on in the house. We were seeing things. When it was at its worst, my middle child, was having nightmares. She saw a shadow figure squatting in her closet. She also saw a person fiddling with her alarm clock one night. My youngest child would see the disappearing cat and a shadow entity run across the room. I saw it too. They were both nervous in the house; they didn't want to be alone. Our oldest child and my husband really weren’t aware of seeing anything in the house.

     One night I was sleeping and I woke up. I saw a man standing next to my bed. He was looking over my bed toward the wall. Hanging on the wall was a plaque of an angel etched on clear glass. It was hanging above the bed. He was staring in that direction and he was praying in another language. I didn't feel like he was aware of me. I was terrified that I was about to be kidnapped. This is odd that I felt that way, because he didn't seem aware of me. I started to scream and woke up my husband. When I looked back  the man was gone.

     At the height of the sightings, we had a note card with scripture on it in the living room. It had about 10 different scriptures declaring that God was bigger and had taken care of these entities.  I would have the kids read scripture every time they saw or heard something. We also had the ghost buster team from our church stop out and go through the house. We anointed the house with oil on the windows and the doors. The team was made up of people with discernment. They came to the conclusion that our house possibly was on an Indian burial mound or that there were entities in the house. They felt they picked up that the entities believed we were encroaching on their possession/property. The team told us that we should get the title of the house and say to the entities that, "We bought this house, this is our house, and you’re on our property, and you need to leave in the name of Jesus." We did as they said. It took about a month of reading scripture and declaring home ownership that the sightings in the house stopped. We praised God for that. The house felt cleansed for a few years. Then they came back again. We got out the scripture card again; it took probably a month for all the new sightings and issues to stop.


"We can hear an entity."


     For many years my husband, Russ, and I can hear another entity in the room. Mostly hovering on the ceiling above our bed at night, or in the room during the day. Sometimes we can command it to leave and we hear it leave by going up thru the ceiling. It sounds like electricity, like a lit lightbulb but very large. I have come to believe God is allowing us to hear the spirit realm.


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